Friday, 25 June 2010

Messing about

... and still trying to get things right.

The flowers are incomplete and missing centres - but I'm going for the blending and getting the shading right. 

And below, I try my hand at poinsettias. Oh so cacat-looking, but sigh, this was my first time! Though, it's still the same petal I've worked on for so long. It's the putting them together to make the whole - and have the whole resemble the poinsettia... ahhh, that's the difficalification of it all!!!

Below, is a stylised version of a rose. I found this on a nail-art site, and the girl taught it so well - carefully doing each stoke and guiding me through it. I feel I need to work the petals together more tightly and try for a more rounded bulb. But, I'm not entirely displeased with these. Plus, they're anytime better than the 'real' roses I can so not paint!

Still trying to perfect my hydrangeas - this time I used a filbert brush, double-loaded and worked the flowers on it's side. Couldn't do this with the letter holder, because I don't have a small filbert :(

This one is nothing like the lady does it on You Tube, but it's my version, I guess!

Again, something from You Tube - and my version of it, for sure. It would have looked better on a dark background - but this is just part of my practice, practice, practice - so I'm working on getting the strokes right.

Why so much pink? I'm not a pink lady, although I must say I do like pink. But not only pink!

Pink was one of the first colours I bought - and I don't remember why :(  That and a vile, dull green make up my worse buys. But all's not lost: they are my 'working' paints, always pounced on when I want to practise something. From comma strokes, to scroll work; to leaves and petals - all are done in violent pink and dull green!
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  1. Did I tell you that I love poinsettias? *hint hint*

  2. Me, too. And I love the real-red ones best. I am thinking about how to do them for Christmas ;)
