Tuesday 17 July 2012


It's been a while since I held a brush in my hand, and finally, I managed to this:

The three pieces I did: A coffee mug and two martini glasses

One side . . . 

... and the other

These look better if you're looking into them!

... like this!

... or like this.

While I trying for a better shot, one of the martini glasses fell off the shelf - so now, there's only one. Ahh, well... I'll just have to paint another one. And now that I've finally started painting again, I'll soon have more pix for this blog :)


  1. All kind of light blue I like very much. I'm sorry for the broken glass, maybe don't need to drink so much next time :)) <3

    1. Thank you for dropping by, Tatjana! Yes, I love blue, too!

      These martini glasses hold too little drink - so I won't miss it ;)
